JWDP Webcomics Returns June 9th!
Did a new chapter for the ‘How to Half Ass Porn Webcomics the Tanza Late Way’. This one is on Writing and you can click here to check it out!
So — Tanza’s Adventures In Fucked Up Land began way back in March 28, 2015 and nine years, 103 parts, 471 pages later — I’ve finally finished this shaggy dog of a storyline.
This started as an Alice in Wonderland type parody and went into all kinds of weird directions afterwards. When I started it, I didn’t really have an ending in mind and it wasn’t probably till #113 with the whole Etal Aznat in her hazmat suit that I thought maybe that’s how it ends. Looking at this whole thing — the beginning and ending aren’t so great — but I do kind of like the middle.
If I were smart I’d probably end this strip here since it’s probably going to go downhill from this point on — but I’m not so I’ll keep on running this thing into the ground. Hope some of you enjoyed this incredibly long, long jerk off session. Till next time!
March 2nd Tanza’s Adventures in Fucked up Land Finally Concludes!
JWDP Webcomics returns on February 8th!